Menu Monday!

Good Morning!

Last week I shared with you my afternoon of meal prepping for the freezer. When I was done with that I still had some brown rice and cooked chicken. With those leftovers I made us a batch of chicken friend rice. Typically you make fried rice with raw chicken and cook it first thing. In this recipe I added it in at the end and heated everything through. It turned out to be an easy yummy meal.

Of course this wasn't anything close to authentic, but it tasted good and worked well with my leftovers. I loosely followed THIS recipe.  

I served the meal with a salad and some spring rolls that I had purchased at Costco and we enjoyed it for a couple of nights...

Another meal was Hubby's BBQ steak and baked potatoes and as always it was delish! 

Hubby wanted to do another BBQ and I wanted to try something different. A few weeks ago I had purchased this sauce...

I had some chicken thighs in the freezer (skin on, bone in) and after they had defrosted I boiled them for about 10 minutes to cook them a little. If you don't do that then chicken can take a very long time on the grill. 

After that we grilled them and turned them and brushed them with the sauce until they had gotten nice and sticky and glazed (maybe a bit too dark.. but they were awesome!)..

We had a VERY simple meal of the chicken, french bread and a salad..

Finally over the weekend I was inspired to make pizza. It sounded great and I ended up making 2 of them, which is a lot of pizza for the two of us! :D So we had it for 2 nights. 

I tried a new crust recipe that I really liked.  You can find it HERE.  I decided I didn't want to hassle with pulling out my mixer so I made it by hand and it was so easy!  All done in one bowl with minimal clean up.  

I also made my own sauce. I've done this sauce before and don't really follow a recipe. In a bowl I put..

1 can (15oz) diced tomatoes
1T tomato paste

garlic (fresh, powdered, granulated)
Italian seasonings
a splash of red wine vinegar (or balsamic)
salt & pepper, to taste
a little sugar

I blend this up with my stick blender and then taste. If it needs more of something I add it. I started out with about a teaspoon of most of the spices and ended up adding more Italian seasonings, more salt and a bit more sugar (I'm not a fan of my sauce tasting to acidic).  I forgot to take a picture of the finished sauce but here it was in process..

At this point it was time to divide the dough, roll it out  and assemble the pizzas.

I baked the according to the directions on the pizza recipe and they were SO good and definitely satisfied our pizza cravings!!  

Now I have way to much pizza, as I mentioned, so I'll freeze some or call my son over and have him bring a friend so they can eat some too!

Crystal :)


  1. Everything looks great Crystal! Your menus always inspire me to be creative. For years when my kids were growing up I made pizza every Friday night. I have not been making it quite as often lately, but it always tastes so good. Thanks for sharing your menus.

    1. Hi Gretchen! I'm so glad they inspire you :) That's why I post them. I know I need inspiration at times as well. Homemade pizza is the best.. I use to make it a lot more when my kids were little too. Thanks for the comment!
      Crystal :)

  2. Thank you for sharing the pizza dough recipe. I tried it! I usually make Bobby Flay's recipe and this one was great!!

    1. I thought this recipe was really good too. Very easy to make, the dough was workable and tasted perfect. Next time I think I'll put a little Italian seasoning and garlic in it and see what I think.
      Crystal :)


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