Wednesday Snap Shot

 Wednesday Snap Shot is a quick peek into my week.

If you'd like to join in on my Wednesday Snap Shot.. copy and paste my post, add your answers (you can also copy the pic..BUT Please download the picture to your computer first.. do not just directly copy and paste.. otherwise you are using my bandwidth..thank you! :).. link your post to my blog and then come back and let me know you shared your week. I'll come and visit you and read about your homemaking week!! :)

So Far This Week
On Sunday I was in the house and started hearing planes flying over my house. It's not unusual to hear planes but these sounded like fairly good size planes and they were coming one right after the other. Then there would be a 15 to 20 minute break and they would start coming again. I went out on my deck to see them. They were water tankers. They were flying over my house, heading to the Columbia River to fill up with water and fly over a fire that was on the other side of the river. This lasted all day long. It's been a tough fire season here. The sky has been very hazy with the smoke. As far as I know the fire is not fully contained yet, but hopefully it will be soon. Many campgrounds and trails have been closed because of them. 

This week we also had a very tall tree taken down. It was a fir tree and had lightening damage from a couple years ago. After last winter when we lost so many trees we did not want to take a chance of this damaged tree coming down with another storm. The tree is about 80 to 100 feet tall and right in line with our house. So we hired a professional to come in and take it down. He's done other trees for us and we knew he could do this without damage to our home. And he did. He climbed the tree and took off all the limbs and then section by section he brought it down. We are definitely set for fire wood this winter. 

On My To-Do List
Today is going to be a grocery shopping day. I'll be home by afternoon and then it will be dinner preps and a few housekeeping chores.

Projects I'm Working On
As I'm regaining my strength my brain is coming up with a lot of projects to do. But as of yet, I'm slowly getting past simply keeping up on the home, cooking food and taking care of other small details.

Today's Weather
We've had several hot days but today will be much cooler

High 77  Low 61

The View from my Deck (or window)

What I'm Reading
I finished Isaiah and started Jeremiah. I also finished To Kill a Mockingbird. I loved the book! It was so good. I was actually sad when it came to an end. But I usually am with each book I read. :) I've now started reading Dracula. A couple years ago I read Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I was reading them with my youngest son for his school. I enjoyed reading the real stories and so many books and movies are a take off of the original. I wanted to read Dracula and experience the original story. So far, I'm liking it.

What I'm Listening To
It's a quiet morning.  I hear my hubby making coffee and my clock ticking.

Something Frugal I've Done This Week
Insurance, well specifically, car insurance. We've paid a lot over the years for it. We've had several children driving, we've had our vehicles. A van to transport a big family, an economy car for my hubby to commute, a truck to take care of farm responsibilities. Now that we are done with our children's cars and insurance we were down to just my hubby's car, our truck, and.. then last year we bought a new car. A small economical one. My husband has still been driving his own car. It was his baby, an '89 VW Jetta. As a mechanic he kept that car in amazing shape. It currently has over 450,000 miles on it. He just could not imagine not driving it anymore. Finally... he has retired his beloved Jetta and now commutes in our new car. Thus saving us the cost of one more car on the insurance policy. I believe this is the least we've paid for car insurance in MANY years. And we are doing just fine with one car (the truck is older and purely for farm purposes).

Fitness and Health for the Week
I had a few days over 4000/5000 steps and one day over 7500.. soon I hope to be back to those 10,000 steps!

That is all for this week! Hope you are having a great week. 


  1. Your property is beautiful and I sure wish you could share some of your seventy degree weather with me! That's a delight here in the south! :)

    Saving money on insurance is always exciting. I remember my first year of marriage and shopping around to find my husband and I a better rate than what he was previously paying, boy was I excited to save us almost a $1,000 a year!

    Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Always enjoy reading about the homestead, it's interesting and fun. Enjoy also hearing about books you are reading. My two kids moved out on their own a few years ago, my husband & I have just decided to read books together, right now reading "A Walk in the Woods - Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail" - we also taught the kids at home and I read tons of books out loud with them up to high school. So we decided to keep that trend going. Glad you are feeling better, thanks for sharing your life and recipes with us all.


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