It’s a Boy!!

Fifteen days late… little William Thomas V arrived safe and sound last night (they chose not to find out ahead of time if it was a boy or girl, so it was a lovely surprise for us all!). My daughter did an amazing job. She was sure being pressured into inducing. She kept saying, no.. they looked at her amniotic fluid levels, they were great… did a stress test on the baby, all was fine.. so we waited. As anyone who has had a very late baby you know well how hard that wait can be. She was just determined that this baby would come on God’s timetable, not the doctors.

Very early on the morning of the 15th day past her due date, she woke up to contractions and spent the next 12 hours with stop & go contractions. Finally at about 3:pm things started picking up. I arrived at her house at about 3:30. I had her try a few different positions to labor in and that seemed to really kick things into gear. Her goal was to labor at home for as long as she could. She wanted to do this birth naturally, no induction, no epidural… so she figured the longer she stayed at home, the better it would be. Finally we all felt that due to the timing of her contractions and the duration of them (and intensity) that we were ready to head to the hospital. My son Isaac stayed behind to babysit. Sierra & I followed them to the hospital and we checked in at about 7:30. She was 7cm dilated! We were thrilled. They got her into a room and the nurses jumped into action. Little William was born at 8:15… just 45 minutes after arriving. Could not have been timed better. He weighed 8lbs 10oz… big boy!!

In this day and age it seems to me women who desire to birth naturally in a hospital really have to fight for it. Hannah says if she has another baby, she will have a homebirth. My daughter did an amazing job of laboring and delivering!! And I could not be more proud of her. I had the joy and blessing to be right by her side all the way. I am a blessed grandma indeed. I have been right there with both of my daughters and watched (and for one participated in) the birth of my grandchildren.

My daughter Sierra took some awesome pictures. She is still in the process of editing them and I will have them soon and share them. For now, here are a few that were taken with my camera.

Hannah & little Will…

Very happy & proud daddy..

Blessed Grandma…


  1. Congrats!
    What a nice ending to a long wait!
    Blessings to you all.

  2. Congratulations to you all! My second grandson was born yesterday too. Was yours born on the 24th? Mine was 7 pounds 6 ounces.

  3. Congratulations! He looks sweet - lots of hair. Congratulations to your daughter too for holding out for what she wanted.

  4. Congratulations! What a blessing! And you are lucky to have been at and/or participated in the birth ~ I hope to do that one day with my daughter! Have fun grandma!

  5. Congratulations! So precious! Have fun with your new grandson. I am partial to grandsons:-) as that is all I have so far:-)

  6. Awwwwww Congratulations on this Blessed Bundle of Joy..He is Beautiful..Prayers and Blessings and Hugssss ..luv In Jesus Name!!!

  7. What a smart girl you've raised. Congratulations on both - her and baby boy!

  8. Congratulations! He is gorgeous!

  9. Sorry I am late getting by! Congratulations!

  10. Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments!! I've been busy loving and snuggling with this little guy and helping my daughter!!

    Crystal :)


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