Thursday on the Homestead

Today was a nice day..  I was home all day, spent a couple of hours this afternoon visiting my good friend Debi.  It had been forever since her and I had a chance to visit and it was great..  we talked non-stop.. 


After a dry spell it finally started raining today.  I won’t complain to much as we are still in a water crisis and need the rain.  But all day it has been dark and grey and cold.  I have had a fire going all day long… 


I talked with my oldest son who is deployed in Cuba right now..  we had a nice conversation and he is looking forward to coming home.  He has been in Cuba almost a year and is counting down the days until he heads back to Ft. Bragg and then home for the holidays. 


My son-in-law sent me pics of my baby Caden. 


Here is my daughter and Caden…


And here is Caden’s big smile..


OK.. so you all can tell he is my first grandchild.... right?? 


The girls are making dinner tonight and it is tacos.  They are smelling yummy..  Tobin is working on some math problems with Jacob right now and we are having a late dinner.


We have one more birthday cake to make for tomorrow’s senior luncheon.    


Tonight begins Tobin’s weekend..  I have homeschooling things to do tomorrow and he has Hannah’s car to fix..  She needs new CV joints and he finally has a day to take care of this.   Don’t have any plans yet for Saturday.


That was my Thursday on my Homestead!!


  1. That is the cutest picture ever, and your dd is looking really well. Thanks for sharing.


  2. That smile!!!! My goodness he looks like he's getting bigger! What an adorable one he is! And he looks like he loves to cuddle! That's always a beautiful thing with babies!

    I'm so glad to hear about your son coming home for the Holidays. He deserves a good break!

    Your daughter looks lovely in that picture. Very motherly and in her eyes is peace. What a joy.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Well, that is just the sweetest baby/mama pic EVER!!! How is she liking your cloth diapers!

  4. He is beautiful and precious, and your daughter is gorgeous, too!



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