Updates from the Homestead (the nest is getting a bit more empty!)

It has been the year of changes here. At least changes in family size. When the year started I had 4 children living at home. Leanne left in February to go and teach once again South Korea. And at the beginning of August we helped Sierra pack her belonging and move into town. She has a great head on her and is very responsible, has a great apartment that she is sharing with a girl friend. She could not have been more excited for this first step in life. And we were happy for her. Her apartment is in a good area, her friend is a very nice girl and it is a good and positive step for her.

The house does seem a bit empty without her. She always has an upbeat attitude, the glass is always half full, she has a smile that does not stop and a sense of humor that has me smiling and laughing often. I do miss that on a daily basis. But she is pretty close to home and comes by frequently and we talk, and message each other all the time. But I hear the silence now that she is gone.

I always look at these changes from the most positive light possible. We raise our children to be independent thinkers and follow their dreams. And it can be a bit shocking (especially with the first child!) when they do just that! ~smile~ One thing I've learned as I've seen my children, one by one, take this first step.. it is emotional at first, but as time goes on, I adjust to the new normal and I actually like it. The changes for me: less to clean and care for, less food to cook, less dishes to wash, less laundry, etc.. and a new peek into life that has a bit more freedom and time for hubby and me.

And I do believe my son Jacob will also be moving out in a month or so. He has been accepted into a web/software developing program in the city. He would like to move closer to the school due to the commute. It would mean driving through downtown rush hour traffic in the morning and evening, making it a 2 hour commute each direction. I'm excited for his future! I'm also looking at just 1 more child in the house. It will mean (after he moves) in 33 years we have gone from 1 child, to 8 and now to 1. Time marches on!


  1. Just out of curiosity( and because I face this as well), do you ever feel pressured by others to "get a real job" now hat your children are grown and moving on? I have 2 children still home while they go to tech school. I get that question sometimes, and also feel guilty myself for being home. Between running a daycare out of my home to a part time job, I have always brought in a second income in some way or another these past 22 years. Now we are out of debt and I am able to come back home for good. I has been 4 days since I left and my house is now clean, I have taken over the feeding and care of the animals (dogs, cats, chickens) from my husband freeing him up in the morning before he goes to work. He now gets to sleep later. He gets to relax when he gets home. We're eating better, everyone is getting exercise, etc. We have found many benefits, but when I was getting ready to leave my job I got a lot of weird looks. People couldn't wrap their head around a mom staying home with older children. Anyway, I know I am rambling, but wanted to ask.

    1. That is a great question... I have always been a stay at home mom and wife. I remember years ago thinking that when my kids are older maybe I'll pursue something.. now that I'm here I honestly have no desire to do that. Financially we do not need for me to work. My hubby loves the benefits to our life that having me at home gives. Like you, I see the positives in being home and so does he. He works an odd shift.. nights and over the weekends. If I went to work we'd probably not see each other often. As it is, I can easily move my schedule around to match his better. We are loving all the time we now have together. He loves home cooked meals, a nice clean home, little details that (as you mentioned) were once his job, I now have the time to take over and that frees his time, and ultimately our time together. I even asked him about it all and he said he loves having me at home, he loves a 'soft place to land' as he calls it when his work day is over and said he was very happy having me at home.

      The other aspect is that now I find I have time to invest in the lives of my adult children and grandchildren. That is a blessing to me and to them as well. My grandchildren love coming to grandma's and I love being a grandma now. Working would mean less time for those quality of life joys.

      As far as pressure.. I have been asked a few times.. what are you doing now? And I just smile and say, pretty much what I've always done.. taking care of my home and family..

  2. Crystal, I confuse easily. Is that a picture of you, or your daughter?

  3. It was wonderful to hear how your family is doing! It sounds like your life is still very, very full! I wondered if you will downsize your garden next year? Do less canning?

    1. Hi Georgene!! I planted a big garden this year because my daughter Hannah was helping me.. we've done canning together as well and I've given her a lot of the produce... but it is a BIG job!! :) .. we'll see how I feel next year. I have not canned nearly as much in the last couple of years as I use to. In that way... I have downsized... :)

  4. I've been with you since the early 2000's when you had a houseful!


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