Homemaking Challenge for September!!

I know, you probably thought I forgot about my monthly homemaking challenges… but I did not. ~smile~ July and August were not only crazy months for me (especially with my sons ruptured appendix!), but they were hot and sunny and it’s been beautiful outside. So I spent time enjoying the outdoors and having friends and family over to enjoy some of this amazing summer with me. Frankly, doing extra tasks in the home was just not on my list.
Now as fall is approaching my schedule needs to change, routines need to be reestablished and life needs to move on into a steady rhythm.

This month I’ve decided to work on creating a workable household cleaning routine. My life has changed a LOT over of the last couple of years. I use to have several children at home, helping with the daily chores. Now, I’m down to just one at home during the day. My son and both daughters work full time (my daughter Sierra works almost full time and is going to school as well) and so while they may be gone for most of the day, their foot print still is left behind to be dealt with.
So my game plan: discuss basics with them (again!! ~smile~) of picking up after themselves, following through with anything that they are doing that makes a mess (like clean up the kitchen after making themselves food, wash their own dishes after a meal, clean up the bathroom after a shower, etc.).
Then create a daily/weekly basic house cleaning schedule to follow.
I’ll be updating you on my progress and sharing my lists and thoughts on keeping the house clean on a daily basis.
Do you have a daily/weekly cleaning schedule that you follow? With summer fun, children, gardens and canning (or whatever has kept you busy this summer) have you let it slip away? Do you need to refocus on this in your home?
If you do, please join me this month in fine tuning, creating, and implementing a new schedule. I think it’s a great way to welcome in the fall!!
I've followed Flylady's routine for years. I don't follow it exactly but I do the basics. It has worked better than anything else I have tried. Monday is my House Blessing Day. I think there are 7 things to do and then I work on the 'zone' for that week.
ReplyDeleteThis is so providential! I was just thinking the other day that I really need to get a handle on the housework, and for me a schedule would work much better than this fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants that I've been doing. Even though there's only me and my husband now, we often have two of our grandchildren (along with my husband's special needs) it makes for some rather sloppy times in the household. Going to think about the goals now, and join in the challenge!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could fall into a routine. Life around here has been so up and down lately that I can't stick to any plan. Too many outside factors in our lives right now that just won't allow me to stay on a schedule. Plus, I work outside the home so that cuts into my plan! :(
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing what your schedule is line being down to one at home full time... :)
This is exactly what I need. I'll join you!
ReplyDeleteWe have a routine of sorts. We have a daily (as in every day) list and then a daily (as in one major area) assigned for each day. It works for us, but there are only two of us here except on weekends when hubby is home. I'm not sure how I'll do it all when daughter is gone...lol