Updates from the Homestead

My blogging got lost in all the busyness and issues at home and with my family. This last week was a crazy and scary week for us. My hubby and I had been able to get away for a few days which was very nice. After coming home my niece from Iowa came for a visit. My sister in law is staying with us and she came to see her mom. It was so nice to see her.

However the scary part came shortly after we arrived home. My daughter Hannah works part time and takes her children to super nice lady who watches them. One evening after she picked them up she noticed a rash and a boil on her baby’s leg (this is my little grandson Will who is now 10 months old). She called the babysitter and inquired and was told that the babysitter’s husband and son both had the same thing. Hannah wasted no time and took him into the ER. They were able to drain the boil and have the fluid tested. Our sweet baby Will had MRSA. We were all in shock and very concerned. My daughter Leanne stepped in to baby sit as Hannah did not want to take them back to the babysitters until Hannah felt comfortable that the issue had been solved. Then after getting home I also took care of the kids as well. Our biggest scare was not knowing if little Will would respond to the antibiotics. We were all very thankful when he did. Praise God!! Staph infections are always scary and very serious, so as this week came to close we were all thanking God for his blessings in this. Thankfully the girls did not get it.

This is a pic of my oldest granddaughter Elizabeth and my little grandson Will…

Needless to say that between, time away, family visiting and grandma duty, blogging and most all computer time took a back seat to life! :) I’m praying this coming week is smooth sailing on the homestead….



  1. Oh my gosh! Poor baby :( that is VERY scary. I'm glad he responded to the antibiotics, MRSA can be so dangerous. I pray that the babysitter's family will be okay too.

    Ila from he has ms

  2. Oh my goodness, Crystal- what a scare! Thank God he responded to the antibiotics. I am praying that he continues to do well and is fully recovered really soon.

  3. Thankful you got that taken care of quickly. Did the babysitter's family get the word too for their sakes? Boils used to be a common thing back in the day of once-a-week bathing. I can remember having one when I was about three and the adults talking about them once in a while. This was in the early 60s. Don't know if they were staph, they were just common and people dealt with them at home I guess.

  4. Thank you all for the prayers! Our sweet baby Will is doing great!! And SharonR.. yes, Hannah immediately told the babysitter and she was able to take care of it as well. So at this point all is under control again and we are so thankful!!


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