Homemaking Challenge for May!!

With a lot of my basic spring cleaning behind me I’ve decided it is time for me to tackle another area of chaos in my home and this is my challenge for May!

This month’s challenge is the kitchen pantry! It does not matter if you have cupboards in your kitchen or a separate pantry area, every now and again it needs to be gone through and organized. So that is my plan for May.

Right now my pantry shares space in my laundry room. And it is a mess.

So that is my plan.. clean it off, clear it off, organize it better…

Let me know if you are joining me for May’s Challenge!!

We Can Do This Girls!!



  1. I have been meaning to rebuild the shelving in my closet pantry. The shelving is old and not very sturdy in places. I will be joining in and making new shelves and organizing with some rotating trays that are waiting to be utilized!

  2. Oh yes! Count me in. My pantry is a mess and I want to plan my menus using what I already have on hand. Thanks for the challenge!

  3. I hope to get my decluttering in the kitchen done in May. This would include cleaning the pantry as well! Everything is going that I don't really use! :)

  4. I missed this post.... But, somehow... I was right there with you for the May Challenge. (God must be guiding your readers lol). I had gotten one of those postcards saying that the postal service would be picking up donations for the foodbank. I went through my cabinets, sorted- checked dates- etc. Still can't believe I had a box of noodles expired in 2012? Just how? lol Filled up a bag of food for the mail-lady of 'OK food, not anywhere close to expiring' and pitched a lot of stuff. Now- I need to go buy food, it feels like I've got nothing in there now. LOL

    Ila from HeHasMS


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