
Showing posts from May, 2014

Homemaking Challenge Update from March (Bathroom)

  Back in March the Homemaking Challenge was the bathroom. I originally planned to go in and clean out drawers and cupboards, reorganize and put some shelves up in one of the cupboards. Then my sweet sister in law came to visit and asked me if she could paint the cupboards. This was a project she knew I had wanted to do, but did not have the time. I was so happy and thankful for her willingness to jump in and tackle it. She loved doing it (she likes any kind of DIY project!). By the end of April the project was finished and it was time to do the reorganizing. I’m just now getting around to showing you the finished project. I wish I’d taken pics of the cupboard doors beforehand. They were not attractive at all. The bathroom is old (as is our house) and all I can say is the doors and drawers had a very 60’s/70’s look and feel to them. Now they are looking very bright and fresh. My pictures do not do them justice. For some reason my camera seems to give some of the ...

Canning White Bean Chicken Chili

The other night I needed a quick dinner. After a chaotic week I had not prepared what I’d planned. I went downstairs to my canning cupboard and grabbed a couple quarts of white bean chicken chili. It dawned on me as I was preparing it that it is a recipe that I meant to post back in the fall time, and never did. So I figured I’d post it now. It is so yummy, and so easy for a quick dinner. This meal MUST be canned in a pressure canner. It cannot be canned in a boiling water bath canner. It contains meat, beans and vegetables and these are all low acid foods. All low acid foods must be canned in a pressure canner. You will need to know and understand basic canning procedures to follow this recipe. I did not go “step by step” for canning.       White Bean Chicken Chili ~recipe will make 6 to 7 quarts 3 #’s navy beans 1 ½ gallons water 2T salt 2 #’s boneless, skinless chicken (breasts or thighs, your choice) 1 quart corn or 4 cups frozen corn ...

Menu Monday!

  Monday Korean pork chops (pork chops marinated in Korean BBQ Sauce ), brown rice, broccoli Tuesday Marinated chicken , brown rice, salad Wednesday Tacos w/all the trimmings Thursday Leftovers Friday Creamed tuna over biscuits, veggie platter Saturday Crockpot cheesy cowboy casserole , salad Sunday Chicken pot pie , watermelon and cantaloupe  

Updates from the Homestead

My blogging got lost in all the busyness and issues at home and with my family. This last week was a crazy and scary week for us. My hubby and I had been able to get away for a few days which was very nice. After coming home my niece from Iowa came for a visit. My sister in law is staying with us and she came to see her mom. It was so nice to see her. However the scary part came shortly after we arrived home. My daughter Hannah works part time and takes her children to super nice lady who watches them. One evening after she picked them up she noticed a rash and a boil on her baby’s leg (this is my little grandson Will who is now 10 months old). She called the babysitter and inquired and was told that the babysitter’s husband and son both had the same thing. Hannah wasted no time and took him into the ER. They were able to drain the boil and have the fluid tested. Our sweet baby Will had MRSA. We were all in shock and very concerned. My daughter Leanne stepped in to baby ...

Menu Monday!

  Monday Meatloaf , mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli Tuesday Burrito pie, cornbread, salad Wednesday Caramelized baked chicken legs , brown rice, salad Thursday Fish sticks, mac & cheese, salad Friday Leftovers Saturday Pizza rice casserole , salad Sunday Navy bean & ham soup , crackers, veggie platter  

Pesto Feta Cheese Stuffed Chicken

This meal is sooo good. I would call this company good. If you want a meal that is impressive yet easy, this just may be the ticket. It looks and sounds gourmet, but yet is not hard to make. I served it with brown rice and a salad. You can use chicken breasts or boneless, skinless thighs. I used the thighs. Thigh meat is less expensive and in my opinion tastes better because the chicken is so moist. But whatever your preference is go with that. I used 3# of boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I had an 8oz jar of pesto sauce and used less than ¼ of it. And only used maybe 1/3 cup of feta cheese. So my measurements in my recipe are general. If you make a smaller amount then of course you won’t need as much. You will also need a few slices of bacon (one slice for each piece of chicken you have). Begin by pounding your chicken pieces to flatten them. This is easy to do. I laid out a piece of parchment paper, laid some of the chicken pieces on top, covered with another ...

Homemaking Challenge for May.. Update!!

Well my daughter Leanne and I tackled the laundry and pulled everything off the shelves, cleaned them, tossed things, organized not only the food, but cleaning supplies. I got rid of nearly empty bottles of this and that and discovered things I’d forgot I had. This was by far one of the easiest and quickest chores so far this year! Ha, ha!! And this is what it looks like now… How is it going for you?  We Can Do This Girls!!

100 Life Skills

  Recently I saw a facebook test circulating around on 100 life skills. You checked the boxes on how many skills you had and see what your end result is. I got 77. Some of my kids got answers in the 50’s. However some of the “skills” they had listed I had to stop and ask myself.. are these really ‘life skills’? Throwing a football, how to open a champagne bottle, how to eat lobster, etc. So I went on a quest for REAL life skills. Those skills that people feel are really needed in life, things they wish they knew or know and want their kids to know too. I came up with a list and then I asked my kids, my friends, my husband about what life skills they think are important. What life skills would you like to see your kids have? What life skills have you needed or wished you had. This list is a compilation of their responses. I want to thank everyone who answered my questions. I really enjoyed hearing what everyone I asked had to say. I’m not computer savvy enough to ...

Menu Monday!

Monday Cheeseburger soup, crackers, salad Tuesday Marinated chicken, brown rice, broccoli Wednesday Tacos w/trimmings, chips & salsa Thursday Chicken bacon chowder, french bread, salad Friday Yummy pinto beans , crackers, veggie platter Saturday Leftovers Sunday Creamed tuna over biscuits, salad

Happy Mother’s Day (a little early)

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day but I figured I get this out a day ahead of time. Becoming a mother is something no one can prepare you for. The moment they put that small little human being into your arms you are in love and have a bond that will stay with you the rest of your life. It is the most amazing experience. In that moment you become a mother your life will never be the same. It is THE most wonderful, rewarding, joyful and incredible experience. It will take you places physically and emotionally that you never knew existed. And you will never regret one moment of it. Happy Mother’s Day!!!! Three years ago I wrote a post entitled “A Few Reflections on Raising Children”. I am reposting it here today for my Mother’s Day Post. This is a REPOST (my daughters are not in Denmark anymore.. LOL.. I’ve done reposts in the past and sometimes people do not realize that it is an older post, so I just wanted to make that clear).. A Few Reflections on Raising Children   ...