A Couple Updates from the Homestead


The best update I’ve had is my hand. I went to the doctor earlier this week and was told that it looks like we have beaten this infection! I still have a bit of swelling in my hand (especially my two middle fingers) but the doctor said it was just going to take time for that to continue to heal. I have MUCH more use of my hand now. I’ve been doing lots and lots of physical therapy exercises to gain movement and increase strength and they are working! Praise the Lord I’m on the mend. I will finally be off my antibiotics tomorrow. Three plus weeks of antibiotics is enough for me! The side effects of those have been difficult to handle, but obviously necessary.

I also wanted to thank so many of you who left me comments on my blog post when I told you what happened and those who left comments on my Facebook as well. I so appreciate the love, concern and prayers, it meant a lot to me.

I also wanted to update those of you who’ve been following my blog about my daughter Leanne. She has now been in S. Korea for almost 3 months. The first month or so was tough. So many changes. So many new things to learn. Just learning to ride the subway and get off where you are supposed to and not get lost in the depths of the city was a challenge (Seoul is a HUGE city). It would be one thing if someone said, “you need to get off the subway at 32nd street”.. that would not be the biggest challenge in the world.. but this is S. Korea and there is no English signs! They are all in Korean. Thankfully she has had many kind and helpful co-workers to show her the ropes. After all her co-workers were in the same situation when they first arrived and Leanne has said you immediately begin to bond to them because you are all walking the same path, just at different points.

Leanne has also said that Korean people have to be some the most kind hearted sweet people she has ever met. As an example, one night shortly after she arrived she got off the subway and it was dark. She could not remember how to get back to her apartment. She also did not have a phone at that point. A very nice Korean man saw she was in need and called the school where she works to find out where she needed to be and then proceeded to call her a taxi and tell the taxi driver where to take her. Praise God for kind hearted people to help. 

She has now adjusted very well she says. She has her own little apartment that she enjoys quite a bit. She has found a church that has both Korean and English services, she has learned to navigate her way around the subway system, and learned her way around her neighborhood and found the basics such as where to shop for groceries and other goods. She is enjoying teaching her 4th & 5th graders and is thankful for the friendships she is making with her co-workers and others.

Here are some pictures she recently sent me…

Where she buys her groceries…

The school she works at….

A snap shot of the surrounding neighborhood….

All in all she is feeling that this has been a positive experience and she is enjoying it. She is also working to learn to speak Korean as well!

That is all the updates from the Homestead for now!


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