Menu Monday!

I have chowder and chili on my menu this week. A sure sign of cooler temps and rain. I love a pot of something to serve on days like this. Rain, rain and more rain seems to be the theme for our weather this coming week.

Today I'll be home and busy doing house work and some cooking while listening to all the rain falling. Tonight I have planned beef burritos. I'll be using THIS recipe. I'll cook the roast in my IP. I'll also make my own enchilada sauce as I can't seem to find a brand that I like. If you have a brand of enchilada sauce that you like, let me know. :) I'm going to make refried beans, rice and a salad to go with this meal.

The rest of the week is looking like this...

IP Lasagna
It probably is easier to make lasagna in the oven, but I want to try it out in the Instant Pot to see what I think. The sides will be butternut squash, green beans and french bread.  You can find the recipe I'll be trying HERE.

I love THIS recipe and have made it several times. Very easy to put together although I'm planning on cooking my own beans rather than using canned beans. The IP makes bean cooking super easy.

Clam Chowder
I had this on my menu last week and never made it.  I still have a large can of clams on my pantry shelf and it is sure to get made this week. I'll serve either french bread or biscuits and a salad with this chowder.



  1. Thanks for including so many Instant Pot recipes in your weekly menus. I purchased an IP from Amazon (on sale) a few months ago but have yet to use it. I have been hesitant to get started but I think I will try one of your recipes this weekend and see how it goes. Thanks for keeping me inspired to try a recipe in my IP.

    1. You're welcome!! And.. take that IP out of the box and enjoy!! ha, ha!! :)

  2. I have enjoyed following you for some years now. My twelve year daughter is using your guide for Thanksgiving planning this year. She is very excited. A couple of weeks ago I was looking for your chicken noodle soup recipe for canning. I read over some things you had to say about canning once a week and that you can can just about any recipe. I decided to try canning a soyless soy sauce using beef broth. So far so good. I make the majority of our condiments and this will help a lot. Thank you for taking time to share all the information you have. So much of it I never learned growing up and I'm making sure my kids get it. I have used your household chore ideas, meal planning ideas, many recipes (you gave me confidence to make salad dressing), etc. It may seem easy after you do it, but we are taught to think we can't. I've come a loong way thanks to you. Have a wonderful day:)

    1. Thank you for following me over the years! I truly appreciate that.. :) How fun for your daughter, what a great experience. I did not learn a lot either when I was growing up and it became my mission to make sure my daughters were better prepared then I was. Hope you have a wonderful day as well Marla!!


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