Menu Monday

It was a wild wet week here in the PNW. We were feeling the tail end/remnants of typhoon Songa and it did a lot of damage to the coast and inland. Two tornado's touched down in two different coastal towns, which is very rare here in this part of the world. Thankfully we are far enough away that we only received a lot of wind and rain, but no serious damage. It sure is feeling more and more like fall!

Fall tells me that the holiday season is just around the corner and I'm thinking about Christmas already as my list is pretty long with 8 children, their spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends and a whole lot of grandchildren! I do enjoy this time of year and find planning and preparing makes the best holiday times. This week I'm going to take some time to sit down and write out my plan for gifts, food to make, and all other holiday organizing.

As for today, it will be a day at home. I have housecleaning and laundry to catch up on. Dinner will be easy. I made a large pot of pizza chili over the weekend and we have enough left for our dinner tonight.

The rest of week is looking like this..

Italian Chicken
Super easy and good Instant Pot (IP) meal. I'll use chicken thighs and my favorite Italian salad dressing to flavor. I'll try and get this recipe up this week after I make it. French bread, sweet potatoes and cooked kale (both made in the IP) will be served on the side.

These will be cooked up inside as our BBQ'ing days are over for the year. I'll serve with all the typical trimmings. I'm thinking of making a potato salad along side the burgers.

Chicken Enchiladas
I saw this recipe the other day. It is for enchiladas made in the IP. I figured I'd give it a try and see what we think. Tortilla chips, salsa, and a salad will round out the meal.

Split Pea Soup
Wet, rainy, cool fall days call for soup sometimes. I'll use either bacon or sausage to flavor the soup. I plan on using my basic recipe and converting into an IP recipe. I'll keep you posted on that goes :). Crackers and a salad will be the sides. 


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