Homescooling Retirement

A few days ago I was in Target.. and looking at all the school supplies for sale.. I got excited for moment.. and then .. I got even more excited..

This year I am retiring.. yep.. for the last 28 years I've bought school supplies, curriculum, made plans, and organized the education of my 8 children... but .. I AM DONE!! Thank you God for seeing me through the last 28 years..

I do not regret one single day!!! If I had it to do all over again.. I would do exactly the same thing.. I would homeschool each of them all over again.. there were great years, there were good years, there were difficult years... BUT.. I never wavered from our conviction.. I stayed true to what God called us to do.. and this year.. (with a bit of sadness) I walk by all those cute back to school supply sales (all those Minion school supplies had me wishing I had just one more kid to homeschool.. ).. and thanked the LORD.. I am DONE!! .

I've taken all 8 kids all the way through high school.. and now.. my job is to support my children as they homeschool their children.. and take a break.. and sit back.. and enjoy my retirement..

To all you mama's homeschooling your sweet children, do not lose hope, do not waver from your convictions. Life will send you curve balls, life will not always go as you want it to. There will be days you will question what you are doing, wonder if you can handle it, wonder if you are doing the best for your children. Pressure from the outside will make you doubt what you are doing. It will make you wonder if you are doing what you should for your children or if you are doing enough.

As I sit at the end of this long journey all I can say is this, every day spent with your children is worth the time and energy. It is worth the stress. It is worth fighting against the pressures you may feel. It is worth EVERY single moment. Your children will be just fine, they will remember an amazing childhood filled with a life that was a total devotion by their mama. Hang in there, and enjoy the journey.. the good, the difficult, and all that homeschooling entails.

When you cross the finish line, the joy will be beyond anything you could have imagined and all those hard days, dirty house moments, mac and cheese for dinner (or hey cereal because that is all you could handle for that day!), and those amazing days when your child “gets it”, and those days you spent doing nothing but reading and having a picnic in the living room.. will have been worth everything. You will not regret one single day. Your children are worth every single moment of time you have invested in them.



  1. Precious memories. So great you've seen it all the way through. I wish we had.

  2. I totally applaud your dedication to homeschooling all your kids!!! You did the right thing:):)
    Blessings, Aimee

    1. Thank you Aimee... it has been a journey.. but one well worth walking..

  3. I am always loved your blog.
    Thank you for the encouragement! I needed to read this at this very moment.

  4. Thank you so much for this post. With my 4 - ages 7, 6, 3, 2 not to mention goats, chickens, etc - I truly feel overwhelmed. But whenever I think of entrusting the care and instruction of my precious little ones to someone else, I know that all the stressful days, moments of internal struggle and mountains of prayers are all worth it. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience with the rest of us who are just in mile 1 of the marathon!

    1. Hollie Bear... you can do this!! Your children are worth it all... I don't regret one single day.. not one... today my adult children and I have amazing relationships... there are just so many blessings to homeschooling... Hang in there mama!!


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