Updates from the Homestead

Well it looks like we’ve got our winter blast after all. Snow and ice hit our area and blanketed us for several days. Compared to what others in the mid-west and east coast have dealt with, it was minor. But for us it was a few days of keeping the fires going round the clock, shoveling stairs, clearing the driveway and me worrying about my son who has a delivery route to do. I think that was the most difficult part. Knowing he was driving in snow and ice and praying he got home safely. He made it just fine, a few “near misses” with a ditch and a cement wall!! But he did his job and came home safe and sound. As I write this the snow and ice are slowly melting and the roads are clear.

My daughters and I were able to get out of the house finally after a week of being cooped up. It felt good to get out and to also get needed groceries in the house. You know it’s a crisis when you run out of half n half for your coffee! Ha, ha!!

Here are a few pics from our storm. Some were taken by me and others were taken by my daughter Sierra.. it is pretty to look at and I might enjoy it more if I knew my son and husband did not have to commute to work in it all….



  1. I LOVE the snow, but do get a bit nervous when I know my DH, family or friends are out in it too. Love your new header:)

  2. Your land/home looks like Heaven, to me.

    Longtime follower and goats milk soap (yours) lover,

    Holland, MI

  3. Beautiful pictures! I know what you mean about worrying about your loved ones working in it...my hubby works outside everyday and I worry about him coming home in the storm tonight. God protected him last month when he slid down a ditch, hitting a tree on the way down. That tree that God placed there stopped my husband in the car from rolling any further down the ditch. The storm just started here this morning in Maine. Blessings to you and yours! Jamie

  4. What a charming setting. Thanks for sharing the pictures.


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