Blogging in 2014


As 2013 is coming to an end I’ve been contemplating my blog and what direction to go with it. I love blogging, I enjoy sharing and find a great deal of satisfaction from it. I’m excited for the New Year and what will unfold, not only in my life but here on my blog, which for me go hand in hand. I’ve always gotten the inspiration for my blog from my own life. I’m not a “professional blogger” and have no desire to be. My preference has always been to share real life. From the beginning my goal for my blog, website, forums, etc. has been to encourage homemakers in their daily walk. And that is what I will continue to strive to do for this coming year.

I’ve been blogging now since 2006 (I started my blog in December of 2005 ) and one thing that has gone through my mind a lot is how my life has changed so much in the last 8 years. When I started blogging I had a house full of little ones, tweens and teens. I was homeschooling them all, I raised goats, milked goats, had horses, chickens, baked all our bread, and so much more. Today I find myself approaching an “almost” empty nest (although it keeps fluctuating between 2 and 4 children ~smile~), I have a few goats that keep the brush down on our property and I no longer milk them. I no longer have chickens but I do miss them and often think of taking on a few again.. but as I’ve said in years past, “not this year, maybe next”. I don’t bake bread as often as I did because I think after 20+ years of constant work, I’m feeling a little tired and am enjoying the break.

As my home life has gone through the normal changes of children growing up and life looking different, so has my blog. I’m constantly touched and amazed when someone leaves me a comment telling me they’ve been reading my blog for years or reading it since the beginning. I’ve even told friends, I’m not sure why because I’m simply one housewife and mama doing what I love to do (and have been called to do) and sharing it with other women and I am thankful and humbled that they would want me to be a part of their life. I truly look at my readers as friends stopping by to visit over a cup of coffee.

I look forward to heading into 2014 sharing what is on my heart and mind in regards to my home and family, sharing yummy homemade food from my kitchen, sharing encouragement to be the best wife, homemaker and mama we can be. As always I look forward to hearing from you as well. I’ve recently changed the way I handle comments. In the past comments were published right away, after deciphering the little words/letters/number phrase. I’ve heard from a few people that they are often very difficult to see and interpret. I tried at one time to get rid of that and ended up battling a lot of spam.. so I now have the comments moderated but with no need to decipher the script, so hopefully that will make it simpler.

As a sneak preview for January.... I plan to start a monthly “Homemaking Challenge” where I focus on one particular homemaking task that I tend to procrastinate on (to help encourage not only you to tackle these tasks in your home, but myself as well! If I share about it I hope to be more inspired to stop procrastinating about these things too), I also hope to share about meal planning/cooking simplicity, and making some fun personal care items (easy, inexpensive ways we can pamper ourselves every now and then), and more!

I’m definitely looking forward to visiting with you all in 2014 over a nice cup of coffee (or tea) and sharing what is happening here on my little homestead…




  1. Hello there, my name is Lee-Anne and I follow your blog from New Zealand. So pleased to read that you will be continuing your wonderful and inspirational blog in 2014. I love your recipes, menu planning and heartfelt thoughts. God Bless.

    1. Thank you Lee-Anne!! I know you!! :D .. Happy to hear from you! God Bless as well in 2014! Crystal :)

  2. Looking forward to your blog in 2014!

  3. Looking forward to what 2014 holds for you and your blog.

  4. I have been reading your blog for years and have learned so much. Thank you

  5. Sounds like a great blog year is planned! Cheers :)

  6. Crystal,
    The first menu calendar I have is from Oct of 2006! I keep all my menu calendars in a notebook. I thank you for the many years your bloggings have mentored me! :) Neat to see the transition your life has taken as the children grow up. Helps me to enjoy what is and look forward to what is to come!

    1. Thank you for the comment Tina! Life is about changes! I know I've certainly seen that over the years! ((hugs)) and blessings to you too! Crystal :)

  7. Thank you for your blog. I am very much looking forward another year reading and being inspired by your posts. I have learned so much already! With a household and family to manage, you have given me great insight to keeping it all together. (Although loosely at times, ha.) From meal planning to organizing and fun has all been a blessing for me, and in turn, my family.
    Thank you and blessings to you and yours in the New Year!

    1. Thank you Shannon! Keeping it all together is a challenge for sure!! Blessings to you and your family too! Crystal :)

  8. I applaud you for taking the time to mentor us and keep doing it! We certainly need your expertise in homemaking, and making family work! You are a tremendous blessing to me!

  9. Thank you so much for continuing on with your blog. Coming from someone who is always needing to "see" how to do things, your blog is a constant source of encouragement to me. Thank you for taking time to give the rest of us some ideas and somewhere to go when we just don't know what to do next. Hoping you have a wonderful New year.

    1. I'm so glad to know it has helped you.. I pray you also have a wonderful New Year.. Crystal :)

  10. I love your heart! I started reading your blog when I was pregnant with my first in 2006! I dreamed of a large family and was in awe of all that you accomplished on a daily basis. Now pregnant with my fifth, I use a lot of the knowledge I've gained from you over the years and blog myself. Can't wait to see what 2014 brings.

  11. Hi Crystal, I'm one of your many "lurkers." I love your blog and you really encourage me in my homemaking. I particularly like your crock pot freezer recipes; I've made them so many times because they're just so convenient! If you have any spare time (smiles) could you create some more of that type of recipe? Thank you in advance! :D

  12. Hi Crystal, I started following you quite a few years ago...probably not since the very beginning but pretty close. I've especially enjoyed your posts on homemaking and simple recipes.

  13. I too am one of your many "lurkers" and love your blog. : ) It's probably one of the only blogs I've continued to read on a daily basis through the years! Was glad to hear you plan to continue blogging in 2014. You have a lovely family!

  14. Yes, yours is the the first "blog" I ever read! I wasn't up& up on the internet until just a few years ago. I love the idea of challenges! I have always been inspired by your writing - looking forward to reading what's on your mind this year!

  15. Crystal, Many thanks to you for all you do. Your website, blogs, recipes, etc.. are so very written and informative. As a stay at home and homeschooling mom of 3, you have given me so much information and guidance. Looking forward to the New Year with you and your family. Again a very big THANK YOU!!

  16. I'm glad you're continuing to blog. At first I though you were going to say that you were stopping, and I was feeling sad. I'm looking forward to the homemaking challenges. I've learned a lot from your blog and your website.

  17. Crystal-
    I am relieved to hear the direction you are taking your blog. I thought for a moment you were going to stop and that would be so sad! I've been following you the whole time.
    Love to you~and Happy New Year!!!

  18. Hello Crystal! You and I started blogging around the same time, and I do believe I was one of your first readers! (Conni Smith from the "Keeping It Home" group with Catherine Staat - remember Keeping It Home Magazine?") I had lost track of your blog when we moved to Alaska. I was recently going through some old recipes, and found an e-mail of yours that I had printed out, and wondered if you were still blogging. Sure enough, here you are! I'm still blogging too, though I moved to a new platform a year ago ( I look forward to keeping up with you now. My, how far we've come since then!

  19. Crystal, I remember when I first found your website via HillbillyHousewife, your oldest daughter Caroline, was getting married. You truly were an answer to prayer. I was a young homemaking, homesteading, homeschooling mama to two little boys (5 and 4). I knew no one else who lived this way and was in need of support and encouragement. I read everything that you had available on your site and applied much of it to my own home. When you started blogging (if I remember you originally had two) I was so excited --even though I wasn't sure what a " blog" was. I have read every post that you have posted. I consider you a dear friend even though we have never met. You have mentored , encouraged and blessed me throughout the years more than you could ever know. I have had the opportunity to share many of the things that I have learned from you and bless others. Thank you for being so real as well as obedient to the ministry that God has called you to. By the way I am still a homemaking, homeschooling mama to two boys, although not so little anymore (15 and 14). Wishing you and your family a blessed and Happy New Year !

  20. I too have read your blog for years,lol. Like you my blogging has changed as the children have grown, I too no longer do the things I use to do. Looking forward to more great years.

  21. I have read your blog since the start, although I never comment. You are a true blessing. Thank you for what you do!!

  22. Crystal, I have also been reading your blog for years and appreciate you and your hints so much! You've been a blessing to me and my family over the years, so encouraging!Thanks for all you do!

  23. Crystal, I have been reading your blog since the beginning, with 4 little ones at my feet, trying to get a handle on it all. Now my youngest (#5) is 8 and I still love reading your blog! You've been an inspiration and have helped me out tremendously over the years. Thank you and Happy New Year!


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