Wednesday Snap Shot

Good morning friends! It's a very fall like morning here in the PNW. We woke up to the sound of rain. It was a beautiful sound. It's been so dry here and the concerns of fires is ever present on the minds of those that live in this area. But the ground got a good soaking last night.

As I mentioned on Monday's post, I had my eye surgery last week. Today I am one week post op. My surgery was a success. There were a few anomalies with my eye muscles and the doctor could not do all he had wanted to do. But, he was able to do most and I walked out of the eye clinic last week having single vision for the first time in over 2 years. I would have probably been shedding tears of joy had my eye not hurt so much. That first day is pretty intense. My eye was sore and quite scratchy feeling. In fact it was more like a poky feeling that made it hard to even open my eye. I was sent home with steroid ointment which helped tremendously. I was also told to apply ice packs and I did. Between that and coming home and sleeping (anesthetics were still somewhat in effect and it made sleeping much easier) I made it through that day. Each day since has gotten better and better. I have only a couple restrictions: keep my head above my heart (to prevent to much pressure on the eye), can not lift more than 20#'s for the same reason, and no contact lenses for 2 months.

The greatest blessing is I can finally SEE!! It's so easy in this life to take so much for granted and something like vision is a thing we don't usually even think about, until you loose the ability to see correctly and finally have it restored.

I almost had decided to not do the surgery. The stress from January's surgery was alive and well in me. The thought of waking up to another nightmare as I had was simply more than I could handle. I prayed and prayed about it. My hubby and I prayed and talked about it. The one thing that stood out to me the most is that I didn't want to live in a world of seeing double and really wanted to have a shot at seeing correctly. So I made the decision to walk forward with it. Talk about facing your fears head on. I was scared that I could wake up again in ICU with something gone terribly wrong, I was scared that I could loose my vision in that eye completely and regret I had done this. I had to be intubated and put out for the surgery and I was scared of having something happen to my throat again. All I can say is the Lord was with me, walking through each step giving me the ability to face all these fears. I'm so thankful and grateful that I had the surgery done. Now I feel like I can have my life back and do things once again that I've not been able to do for a long time.

A huge thank you to all who prayed for me, it was a comfort to me!

My energy level has been quick to come back and that has been nice. So I've been able to pick up and keep going in my home. Yesterday was a busy day out of the house and today is going to be a day in the house.

Here is what I have on my list:
~clean up my laundry room
~finish my laundry (2 or 3 loads in total)
~clear clutter from table tops and counters

Aside from this I have food preps to work on.

For the Love of Books!
One of the things post surgery that I've dealt with is the eye muscles being very sore. It's made things like reading (and spending time on the computer) more of a challenge. This is where I have really appreciated audio books!

I started the book The Midwife's Revolt and am loving it so far. I am listening to it as an audio book. The book is set in the mid 1700's when our country was just getting started. The great thing is that if you have Amazon Prime the Kindle version is free as well as the audio version and currently I'm finding that quite helpful.  It's also available as a paperback. 


I've also been listening to my Bible. YouTube has many channels that have the Bible being read. I have been reading the Bible in order and finished listening to Philemon and ready to start the book of Hebrews.

Projects for me this year have been challenging. But I found a great one to work on that I can do while my eye is recovering. I am making wool dryer balls. I plan to share more about this in detail soon. I am still midway through my project and have 5 dryer balls currently being washed and dried so I haven't seen my final project yet. This is what they looked like (at least 4 of them) before I put them in washer and dryer..

If you have made wool dryer balls or use them I'd love to hear your experience. 

I'm also thinking these might make great Christmas gifts too! 

Fitness and Health
Prior to my surgery I was walking to Leslie Sansone dvd's (and her YouTube channel) about 3 times a week. I am hoping to jump back into my walking groove very soon.

View from my Deck
The rain stopped right before I was about to walk out and take a picture. The smell in the air after a good rain is so refreshing and clean. The feel of fall is definitely in the air.

Today's weather:   High: 67    Low: 53

That is all for this week! Hope you are having a fantastic week!


  1. So glad to hear that your surgery was a success!!! What a relief. Hopefully things will get back to normal quickly, with no more issues for you. :) Your property always looks so sweet and peaceful!

  2. Praise God for such a good outcome on your eyes.

  3. I am so very pleased everything has gone well. I have been thinking of you since last Wednesday’s surgery, and sending prayers and good wishes. 💕💐

  4. Although I have been a 'lurker' on your blog for years, I wanted you to know that you have been in my prayers for your surgery. I was frightened for you and am SO GRATEFUL that it went well. That must have taken great courage to do, considering what you went through last time. Thank you for letting people know you came through with flying colors.


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