Updates from the Homestead & Garden is Planted!!

This last week has been beautiful! The sun has been shining and I’ve spent as much time enjoying it as possible. Sierra & I spent a couple afternoons getting the garden planted. I put in 37 roma tomato plants and then we planted lettuce, small zucchini squash, beets, green beans, yellow wax beans and pumpkins. Due to my hand limitations and not quite sure what I could handle I planted a much smaller garden than in years past. I am ever so thankful that I have a garden this year, small or not!! I so love being out in the sun and playing in the dirt ~smile~

Sierra took a few pics of the garden for me. Not a lot to see as yet, but here are a few pics…

When the garden season ended last year I left the wild flowers growing.  They are blooming and so pretty right now..

This last week I also spent a wonderful afternoon with my daughters Sierra and Hannah and granddaughters. Hannah has 5 weeks to go before her due date. We are all so excited! Can’t wait to hold this new little one in our arms. We enjoyed coffee at Starbucks, lunch out and shopping. We had a wonderful time and once again my budding photographer, Sierra, took a few pics of mama and the girlies.



  1. beautiful family! and beautiful garden -- can't wait to see it in bloom!

  2. What happened to your hand? I can't remember if you mentioned it before.

    1. Hi Lori.. Back in January I had a staff infection in my hand. I wrote about it here: http://homesteadinghomemaker.blogspot.com/2013/01/ive-been-missing-in-action.html Since that blog post I've posted few updates on my healing process.. I still have a couple of issues with my hand and praying they are resolved soon! :) Crystal :)

    2. whoops... that would be *staph* infection.. need another cup of coffee I guess!! LOL.. :D Crystal :)

  3. Your place looks Great! Nice family also.

  4. Nice garden!! And beautiful pics of your girls!


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