Homestead Garden Update

This evening I spent an hour or so in the garden. I watered and weeded and took a few pics. My garden is growing nicely thanks to the warm days we have had. Several days ago my youngest son and I hooked up the watering system. I shared about how I water my garden in a past blog post here: .

Here are a few pics I took this evening of the garden…

This one shows the pumpkins way in the back then the tomatoes, yellow wax beans and green beans…

Here’s a better shot of the pumpkins and winter squash…

The corn…

My cabbages are doing fantastic!! I am super excited about this…

Zinnias and sunflowers that I planted back in May when I planted the cabbages..

Zucchini .. I planted a lot of zucchini and yellow squash and very few of them came up.. which is a little disappointing.. I love my zucchini!!

Up close shot of my tomatoes.. they are really growing great…

Garden from the back view (or at least most of the garden)….

That is all from the homestead for now...  :)



  1. Beautiful garden. Your climate/region must be a little behind ours. Here in Iowa the corn is pretty high. (not just the gmo/hybrids) maybe you just got them in later? How about a homestead animal update? Your website info is a little outdated. Im curious what you have as far as animals and how that side of things are. Contracts on the save the dates!

    1. Congrats* (auto correct, Hmph...)

  2. Your garden is looking great. So nice to eat veggies so fresh straight from the garden.

  3. your home is beautiful, I have enjoyed your website and blog for several years now and I am hoping to have my own homestead very soon! What type of flowers is that that you have planted between your home and garden? Looks wonderful!!

    1. Amanda, the flowers you see are wild sweet peas mixed in with blackberries .. also growing wild (and out of control.. LOL)... They grow everywhere around here this time of year and are a beautiful sight to see...

      Crystal :)


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