Grocery Haul for Two: Costco & Winco

 I'm struggling with how to simply do grocery hauls again. Since starting my YouTube channel I've neglected my blog. At this point my goal is to find the balance between the two and still keep my priorities at home on the top of my list. And throw in Hubby's retirement and finding our new normal with that, it's been a challenge! Ha, ha!!  :D

I've done a few grocery hauls on YouTube but found that to be more of a hassle than it was worth. Last grocery haul I posted it on Instagram. That was a little simpler but I know not everyone has an Instagram account. So my current plan is to post the hauls on both Instagram and here on my blog. They will be a simplified version of what I use to do. 

If you have an Instagram account and would like to follow me you can find me here:

On my YouTube channel I do post about twice a month (current goal as I just started this) the meals I make for the two of us in a week. I hope that it helps others with ideas, recipes, menu planning and being a good steward of food resources. If you want to see those make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel. 

You can find that here:


Now, let's get on with the latest haul! 


Here is my recent 2 Week Grocery Haul in pictures, with amounts spent and my 2 week menu... 

First was Costco. Most of it was pantry and freezer restock items. I already used the Krusteaz cornbread mix and it was sooo good! I highly recommend it.


Winco was next. A lot of pantry restock items along with fruits and veggies. They had Carne Asada (beef cut) on sale so I picked that up for the freezer. I plan to figure something out with that in a few weeks. 

And the menu plan for the next two weeks. Notice I have soup planned! The weather here has been crazy but it's cooling down, fall is on its way and soup sounded perfect! Any signs of fall in your part of the world? 
