Updates from the Homestead
How is everyone surviving winter? Is it still in full swing in your area or slowly turning to spring? We had a couple very nice days that were just teasers I guess. Right after those nice days we had a snow and ice storm hit us. There was not a lot of snow but the ice caused problems. Not many for us personally but due to falling tree limbs several of my area friends lost power and the cold froze pipes. My hubby had to get to and from work in it, but did so without too much issue. We lost a few tree limbs but nothing damaging, thank the Lord. Here are a few pics that my daughter Sierra took:

Teaching my kids to drive (as I’ve shared before) is one of my least enjoyed jobs of parenting. I’m not sure why but it is. None the less, I’ve managed to teach 7 so far. Maybe because of the area we live in can tend to make my nerves a wreck. Apparently we live near one of the most dangerous stretches of highway in Washington State (and our only way in and out of the Gorge). Lots of curves, drop offs and people traveling too fast and not knowing the roads. Countless trucks have tipped over on the curvy highway and many have lost their life. So setting out with a brand new driver on the highway always gets my heart racing, my adrenaline going and my prayers going up just as fast! :) .. Soon they are doing fine and the job of teaching them to drive in the city, parallel park, back around a corner (skills needed to pass the test) and at least 50 required hours of driving time, is stressful for me. The best news from this last week is that my daughter Sierra got her driver’s license! She was thrilled and I was beyond ecstatic to think that now I only have one more child left to teach. I’ve been telling everyone, “7 down, 1 to go!” .. Hard to believe it was 15 years ago when I was saying just the reverse. After I taught my oldest to drive and he got his license I said, “1 down, 7 to go!” Ha, ha!!
My daughter Hannah stopped by recently and I so loved the grandma time. Little baby Will is growing fast, he'll be 8 months old near the end of this month. He was born with a ton of hair and it's just been growing since! Funny to think about getting a baby’s hair cut before they are even one year old! Hannah still has not cut it.. she says she’ll wait as long as she can because he is just too cute with all that hair! Here is a recent picture Sierra took of him…

That is all from the homestead for now!
Winter gave us another hit this past week but things are looking up. What a beautiful child! His eyes are amazing! and I love his hair! :) My husband taught our girls to drive. I just could not handle that part! Now our son, the last, is getting ready. Oh boy! This will be an experience! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend Crystal!
We had ice this year on the Texas Gulf Coast. Not common at all. Very dangerous! I can't say I miss all the lovely winter weather as I grew up in Ohio. LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful little boy! My daughter was born with tons of hair too.
My baby is nine and I am not looking forward to driving. Lots of prayers on that one.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.
Your grandson is gorgeous. I've waited a long time to cut my baby boys' hair as well. :) I'm leaving driver's ed to my husband. I don't think I can handle it, but we have three years before all of that starts.
ReplyDeleteToday was very warm and everything is melting. So nice to go out with just a t-shirt and sweater. It must have hit 50 today!
ReplyDeleteI just finished cleaning out our old chest freezer I had out in the garage. I emptied it before Christmas when we bought a new larger one for deer season and never bothered cleaning it at that time. So, now I am caught up to the freezer challenge! Haha....
My oldest will start drivers Ed at the end of March. My husband has already been driving a little with her and he says she is doing well.
Fall has started here in South Africa with lots of rain (3weeks now-strange weather) Do we welcome the tad bit of slowing down and when the son does come out we rush and soak a bit ;) Enjoy your days ;)