Sunshine in the PNW = Property & Garden Work!

Today was the second day in a row of beautiful weather. My hubby wasted no time yesterday getting outside and getting the property under control. He drained the pond about half way and the kids cleaned out sticks and leaves and such from around the edges. Sierra pressure washed all the algae off the stairs and the dock (algae, mold and moss are a constant thing to deal with in our part of the world). He did a lot of mowing (to mow all the property takes about 5 hours). Isaac mowed around the garden and raked up broken sticks and made a big pile to be burned. The pond is now filling up again and soon it will be warm enough to swim in..

While hubby and the kids did that I repotted my tomato starts. I ended up with 60+ tomatoes. If the nice weather holds out I will be able to leave some of them outside and they may just make it. I will still put 2 trays (36 plants) under the lights to ensure they make it. If the rest of them make it until the beginning of June then I will be able to give some to my daughter Hannah who is planting her own garden this summer for the first time.

Today the guys continued the mowing and string trimming and manning the burn piles. Here is my hubby and son Jacob taking a break…

And Isaac who was busy string trimming…

I had 12 cabbage starts that I bought from my co-op (Azure Standard) that were waiting for the weather to give me a break so I could get them planted. After Jacob finished rototilling the garden I was able to start my first row. I planted the cabbage and a few packets of flower seeds…

And a pic of the garden after its second rototil..



  1. I love the look of freshly tilled ground :) and your pond is lovely!

  2. I am assuming PNW stands for Pacific North West... Whereabouts (approximately)are you located. I'm not sure if I should start putting my cabbage, etc in because it usually gets flooded out if I plant in May. I live on the southern Oregon coast, about 3 miles inland.

    1. Hi Ruth.. yes, that is what the PNW stands for.. I live in southern Washington in the Columbia River Gorge.. cabbage being a cool weather crop I planted now.. hoping it will make it. I have not had much luck waiting until June (my normal garden planting time).. so I will see it makes it till fall and produces some nice cabbages..

      Crystal :)

  3. your garden space is amazing! I wish my soil here in Missouri looked like that! I love the spring weather. We are having a lot of summer "like" weather here. Saturday it was 92! I over did it in the garden but I can say it is all planted.

  4. I love your garden posts. I was curious, how big is your garden? :)

  5. Hi crystal. Love your garden! I live in KY and was wondering if you could give advice for a firstcyear gardner and when I should plant what?

    Jeanie in Ky

    1. Hi Jeanie.. I have no knowledge of gardening in KY.. Rachel gave you some awesome help!! Good luck on your gardening this year! Crystal :)

  6. Jeanie I live in Western KY and we have had our garden out for several weeks. Around the 1st of April my husband puts out Broccoli, Cauliflower and green and red cabbage. Then closer to May he puts in tomatoes, green beans peppers, potatoes, horticulture beans and three different kinds of squash. We also put out a watermelon patch this year. I put my herb pots out about two weeks ago and everything is growing beautifully. After the green beans are done he'll put out purple hull peas and around June we put out sweet potatoes. You should be able to plant now. I would go ahead and put out the garden before the drought gets worse! We are already behind on rain for the year and June, July and August are pretty dry on their own.

    1. Rachel.. thank you so much for the great reply and help to Jeanie!! Crystal :)


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