Saturday on the Homestead



Well even though winter is just starting I am so happy to say we are finally thawing out!  The temps went above 32 and now everything is beginning to melt into one big soupy mess..  But hey at least we can get out and about now.  Emily and Leanne dug out her car yesterday..  no easy feat.  Today I think she is dying for a shopping and Starbucks fix with her sisters.  Cabin fever is alive and thriving around here!  LOL..   

Today I will be at home.  I have soap business stuff to catch up on and a house to clean and food to make.  We feasted on Christmas Eve dinner and then leftovers for a few days.  My son was thrilled to enjoy lots of homemade food..  and lots of food is what I made.  But now it is time to make some more.  I did make a pot of navy bean soup yesterday with my leftover ham bone. Today I think spaghetti or lasagna will be on the menu too.   

I typically take down my tree the day after Christmas but my son had two requests before he came home.. one was pizza (did that for him the first night he got here) and the other was a Christmas tree..  so for him I will leave it up a few more days.  But by Monday it has got to go..  I start feeling a real need about now to get my life reorganized and ready for the new year.  

I am currently contemplating my new year goals..  I am not a big fan of resolutions instead I make goals.  So I will be praying and working towards some new personal goals, business goals, website goals, and more.  So what do you typically do..  goals or resolutions?   

Well that is all from the homestead today..  Keep warm as we head into 2009!


  1. Crystal,

    Thank you for sharing your day-to-day life with all of us. It is a blessing for me to glean so much from you and your blog.

    I know you are thankful that your son is home safely.

    I am looking forward to 2009 and all it has in store.


    Lynne in NC

  2. Hi Crystal

    I've been following your snow reports and am amazed at your pics, just as I wrote in the comments a couple of posts back. We are still having a heatwave here, it's been over 35.c (95.f) for a few days and we're looking at 38.c (100.f) to 42.c (108.f) for the next 5 days.

    I usually take my tree down on Boxing Day too, but my MIL and parents were visiting so I took it down yesterday instead. My parents are leaving on a 2 month caravanning holiday across to the other side of Australia today. Then I'll start the after Christmas "clean up" of working out how to use what's left of the leftovers and returning to "normal".

    I set goals and have for the past few years. My husband has always set them, but I was always too scared of doing it thinking I was only going to fail. Since then the Lord has been working on my heart and I set them, I don't always achieve them, but that doesn't mean I am a failure, just that I didn't make it to that one. I try to make reasonable, specific and achievable goals so I encourage myself to keep going. I love the feeling of putting that tick on the finished item on the list!

    This comment has become long, so I will go and make my breakfast before my parents come to say goodbye!

    God Bless and Welcome Home to your soldier boy - our Aussie troops are still in Iraq as well.

  3. Crystal, I am so glad that your son is home, safe and sound! :)

    I also make goals (not resolutions). :) I am working on mine right now too, and when I am finished I will get them up on my blog! :)

    Happy New Year! :)

  4. You're getting really good at handling those frantic calls!

  5. I feel that once i set a resolution i am immediatley setting myself up for failure. Goals would be a much better way of putting it. I like to examine the past year and my shortcomings for that year and set "goals" to improve during the new year.

    Have a happy and healthy new year.

  6. came across your site, will visit again! im always ready to get the tree and decorations down and start the new year fresh too!


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