Yikes! It’s 5:00 Clock and…

I haven’t started dinner yet!!! I am sure everyone has been there before. I had a menu planned but the day was crazy and I did not get things pulled out of the freezer and put together in time. I was helping Tobin with something in his shop and we were chatting and enjoying the time together when I looked down at my watch and realized that the time had just flown by and it was 5 already.. and no dinner… so did I call for pizza? Run and get fast food? .. nope.. here is what I did..


I grabbed a pound of hamburger out of the freezer. While that was defrosting in my microwave I chopped up an onion. I pulled a big soup pot out and started cooking up my meat and onions. When that was done I added 12 cups of water, 3 chicken bullion cubes, salt, pepper, 1 can of green beans, 3 cups of frozen corn, 1 can of diced tomatoes and let this come to a boil. When it was boiling I added 3 cups of tortellini noodles that were cheese filled (I buy them in bulk at a grocery store). Let this cook for 10 minutes, added a bit of Tabasco sauce, and Voila!!! We had dinner in less than 30 minutes.. I served it with crackers.. a salad would have been good too.. but it did not happen… 


Amazing what can happen when under pressure!



  1. Sounds like something I would do. Looks so good too. Great job C.


  2. Yum, Crystal you will need to make a Quick meal section on your website and put this under it! :)



  3. I read your post and thougt 5 0'clock I can't be as it is only 6.12pm here in England so I guess you meant this for yesterday :lol.

    Your quick meal looks delicious and I have had to do something similar this evening - though I did get some turkey breasts out to defrost this afternoon but nothing else was prepared.

    Have a blessed day :)



  4. You sold me when you mentioned tortellini pasta! Yum yum! I know it was good!

  5. Hi Crystal, I enjoy reading your blog very much! Are your tortelleni noodles the frozen or dried (just on the regular grocery shelf) type?

    Thanks, Lisa

  6. Crystal, since your newsletter, I have thrown together 2 different soups- both big hits with my family. It is so much fun! The instructions you laid out were just what I needed to be more organized about it and to be more confident of the results. Thanks again for such great advice!!


  7. I hate to "rain on your parade" (hee hee) but with your interest in healthy foods and cooking, I thought you might want to know this-

    My previous naturopath told me several years ago to never use a microwave for anything-I can't remember how to explain it now, but it somehow changes the chemical makeup in the food and makes it undigestable, or something along those lines. He explained it so well that we've never used ours since and I have plans to take it out when I can afford to buy an over-the-stovetop fan and light combo. (The microwave is unfortunately built in.)

    Anyway, I'd hate for you to spoil your great organic food so I really would caution you against using your microwave for anything-even heating water.

    I realize heating food and thawing meat will take longer. I just thought I should mention what I learned.


  8. Well, I don't know, I think it's one of those things where you "pick your poison" and the microwave seems to be one of the least poisonous of the poisons! I, for one, am very grateful for the other parts of life it lets me live!

    Thanks for such a descriptive, instructive post. You are such a great mentor :)

    Rachel, who uses the microwave to teach numbers to my kids ("push the 2 and the 3 and the 0")


  9. Crystal, thanks for some great recipes. I love reading your blog as well as your web site. I've learned so much from you. This resembles my veggie soup I make (without the meat). I never thought to use the tortilini. I'll try it next time for sure. Thanks for so much great info. I'll be trying your soaps and such soon.

  10. Oh! I thought the tortellini was a shrimp! LOL

    Enjoy your blog! You might like my site too: www.cleaning-green.net Hope you'll visit! -Stephanie

  11. Crystal, my mouth was watering when I saw this yesterday and , wouldn't you know it, we found ourselves in the same "Oh no! It's 5:00!" fix last night. So, I fixed this last night(except the corn-we were out) and the family ate every bit of it! I finally had to reserve a bowlful for Daddy's lunch for today to make sure he had some. Even my incredibly "choosy" 8 year old ate a whole bowl. Thanks!!

    Tracy in NC

  12. That looks great!!! You are such an inspiration Crystal.


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