Thursday on the Homestead



Wow.. Thursday already! Where has my week gone?  Two days were spent in town. One day was spent with Tobin and the other with Leanne and Sierra. Tobin and I had errands to run and he needed to pick up a few things for our current projects. We ended up near our old neighborhood back in the city. We drove by our old house and then went and had lunch at our favorite neighborhood restaurant. It was a lot of fun spending time just reminiscing about life back then. We were so busy fixing up our fixer-upper and had a few of our babies in that house. Sweet memories for sure, but we were also happy to leave the city behind and come home to our older children and enjoy the blessings of today. 


Yesterday I went grocery shopping with Leanne and Sierra and stopped at a place that sells local produce. I picked up some corn on the cob, pickling cukes, a melon, and some dill. Then I went to my regular grocery store and to Costco. In the evening I went and dropped Leanne off at her house sitting job. She will be house sitting and watching Miss Margaret (the sweet little 90+ year old lady the girls watch occasionally) while her son and dil go on vacation. She will be there for a few days and Emily will join her over the weekend. 


This week my girls and I have also done a lot of baking. I made sandwich rolls and bagels, Leanne made 6 loaves of bread and Emily and Leanne have made about 4 different types of cookies. Most of them are in the freezer. They are getting them made so they can send them off to my son in a care package. He likes getting homemade goodies in the mail. 


This morning I caught up on getting orders out from my little online store and then the younger kids and I cleaned up the kitchen and I got 2 gallons of fermented cucumbers started (from Nourishing Traditions cookbook). Can’t wait to try them!  That is where the pickling cukes and the dill from yesterday were used. Here is a picture of them..



Today I still have time to conquer something else on my never ending list. I may make some zucchini jam. I have enough zucchini to make at least one batch. This weekend I have a lot on my list too.. make soap and lotion and make some more jam. 


Currently I have 2 new cookbooks that I ordered that I am dying to find the time to sit and read through them. One is The Best of Mennonite Fellowship Meals and the other is Sunday’s at Moosewood Restaurant. Emily will be excited to see the Moosewood cookbook came in, she likes their cookbooks. 


Time to go clean up the kitchen and think about getting lunch ready for the kiddo’s. Dinner tonight is easy.. baked fish, Laurie’s mac & cheese, corn on the cob and salad using fresh lettuce from our garden. Sounds yummy to me.. 


Hope you have a great day on your homestead today!


  1. Crystal,

    I feel the same as you....this has been a fast week.

    Your new cook books sound great...enjoy!!

    So glad all is going well around your beautiful homestead.

    Love and blessings to you all,


  2. I am new at this freezing what you make. You mentioned freezing some baked goods. I am especially interested in how you package your bread before freezing. I have tried two methods. Wrapping in clingwrap doesn't work, the bread came out tasting like the freezer. Putting them in a gallon ziploc bag works well, but I was just hoping there was a better way. I hate using a gallon ziploc just for that.


  3. I tried this and mine smelled terrible when I opened the jar. Please let us know how your's turn out. Maybe our house was too warm during the day? Who knows. All I know is I couldn't stand to smell them let alone eat them. I'm thinking about trying again this week, so if you have any pointers I would love to hear them.

    Take Care


  4. The end of summer sure comes fast! In the blink of an eye we will be taking holiday breaks (ok, I'll stop being depressing now....LOL)

    Please let us know how the pickles turn out. I have made the sauerkraut from NT and LOVE it! This sounds like a second fun recipe to try!



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