Delicious and Simple! 3 Dutch Oven Dinners

I've really enjoyed using my Dutch Oven this winter. I'm made quite a few meals with it. I wanted to share 3 simple and delicious meals with you.. The first one is Roasted Chicken. I could not believe how moist and delicious this roasted chicken was. I don't plan on roasting chickens any other way in the future! Dutch Oven Roasted Chicken Delicious & Moist! Season a 3 to 4 lb chicken with your favorite seasonings. Wash & cut up a few potatoes Put half the potatoes on the bottom of a Dutch oven. Place whole chicken on top. Add remaining potatoes around chicken. Put the lid on and bake at 375 for 1 hour. Remove lid and bake 30 minutes more or until internal temp is at least 165. Serve with potatoes and veggies of choice. I served it with potatoes and some roasted frozen veggies ********************************** If you enjoy One Pot Meals.. then you may really like this one! A lot of wonderful flavor, and so easy!! Mexican Hamburger Rice Bake 1lb hambu...